Pembayaran Cepat Kargo Tech Untuk Bisnis Ekspedisi Anda
Ajukan Pembayaran Cepat Kargo Tech
Kenapa Ikut Program Pembayaran Cepat Kargo Tech?
Faster Payment Disbursement compared to Customer’s ToP
Kargo Technologies will disburse your invoices within 3 - 5 working days after they are approved.
Low & Affordable Interest Rates
Our swift invoice financing program offers a low and affordable interest rate. Discuss all you need with our team.
Easy and Fast Online Registration Process
Fill in your information anytime and anywhere. Our registration process is simple and can be done electronically, submit your e-form and our team will contact you immediately.
3 Easy Steps to Apply for Swift Invoice Financing Program
Register Yourself
Fill in your information, company name, attach your company’s legal document, and proof of transactions.
Verification Process
Complete the verification process and sign the contract agreement.
Funds Disbursement
Kargo will disburst 80% of your invoice’s value within 3 - 5 working days.
Registration Requirements for Swift Invoice Financing Program
- Registered as Perseroan Terbatas (PT) or Persekutuan Komanditer (CV)
- Able to provide all the required documents.
- Have previously completed at least 1 (one) transaction with a customer.
Testimonials from Swift Invoice Financing’s Users
Say goodbye to the old-fashion invoice payment method.
Contact us through WhatsappLearn More About Kargo’s Swift Invoice Payment Here
- Transporter/vendor is something that we use to call you, being that you are a logistics company entity which provides shipment services to your customers using invoices as a proof of a finished job.
- Customer is someone that hires you to ship their goods.
Kargo works with many licensed financial institutes, which have been registered to Indonesia’s Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (Financial Services Authority) as Tech-Based Lenders Institution.
There are some documents that need to be completed when you register for the program, and being a corporate validates your status as an entity and guarantees your transaction proofs.
To reduce the risk of being an non-performing loan, there is a need for evidence that your customer respects and fulfils your agreements, especially in terms of payments and the duration it took to pay you.
We will impose the fees and the obligation to pay back the full amount, primarily from the collateral that you have submitted (will usually be in the form of a current account), to you.
Invoices with a due date of 30 to 60 days are our preference. However, if you want to submit invoices with a due date of up to 90 days, we will gladly accept them if you comply with our additional requirements and conditions.
The maximum value for each invoice is IDR,00 (2 billion rupiah).
Vendors will be charged with a facility fee, with the details of the fees will be given before the agreement signing. The amount of them will vary according to your customers’ payment performance, as well as the completion of your own documents.
Yes. You will also have to submit a collateral (in the form of a current account) that matches your invoices’ value.
- Akta perusahaan & perubahannya, serta SK KEMENHUMKAM
- KTP dan NPWP pengurus yang tertera di Akta
- NPWP perusahaan
- NPWP customer
- Agreement vendor & customer
- Surat Ijin Usaha (SIUP) & TDP/NIB
- Surat keterangan domisili Perusahaan (SKDU)
- Sample Invoice yang sudah dibayarkan customer (minimal 5x pembayaran) diambil sampe di 3 bulan terakhir (Juli-Sept 2020)
- Foto halaman pertama buku rekening
- Rekening koran 6 bulan terakhir
- Laporan keuangan 2020 dan Sales Report 2020 12. Giro